1. god-centered worship

Sunday services that enable us to see the greatness of God in all His attributes, bringing joy to His heart and to ours through singing, praying, confessing, learning, and communing.


Convinced of the absolute sovereignty of a Holy God, we value and understand that nothing good happens in our ministry that is not the result of His grace or unmerited favor toward us. Consequently, our ministry together must be characterized by that same grace in our response to one another.


5. Loving Shepherding

Godly and mature leaders who seriously take their responsibility as “spiritual fathers” to those who are younger in the faith, and members who look to those leaders for instruction, counsel, and accountability.



As a church we value simplicity in how we “do” church and specifically in how we worship God (2 Corinthians 1:12-13).



We value listening, open to His leading through the Word, prayer, God’s people, and circumstances.



6. Caring community

We are committed to create a family atmosphere where people genuinely care for one another. Welcoming newcomers, appreciating longstanding members. Working with other groups, religious and secular, on common challenges in society.


As a church we value ministry beyond the walls of our church supporting urban and foreign ministries, and sending out workers to a variety of harvest fields, both at home and abroad.


We are committed to accurately teaching, preaching and explaining the Bible, without wavering nor compromising on the inspired, infallible and inerrant Word of God.



7. authenticity

We value authenticity in regards to a genuine pursuit of God, and of one another sharing openly hopes, joys, success, fears, and struggles.